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SCIENCE, RELIGION & SPIRITUALITY: In Search Of God! Religion without science is blind. Science and religion have traditionally been treated like oil and water-they don't mix. The reason for this polarization is embedded in the idea that religion is a form of subjective fundamental belief whereas science is objective verifiable phenomenon. In this information a formula has been developed to advance the compatibility of science and religion and to explain that the concept of God has practical value only if we are prepared to interiorize that concept in a unique manner. A scientist may find it difficult to believe that some wise old man or woman sitting up in heaven is keeping track of everything. But the same scientist can't deny the incredible awareness and intelligence that exists in life, in nature, and in us. It's being a scientist that makes us spiritual. The questions about God, hell, heaven and rebirth, and their relationship to realization, enlightenment, and spirituality, have occupied our minds for centuries in one form or another. WHAT IS GOD? DOES HE/SHE REALLY EXIST? WHY DO WE SEARCH FOR GOD? IS THERE REALLY A PLACE SUCH AS HEAVEN AND HELL? WHAT WAS OUR PAST LIFE? WHAT WILL BE OUR FUTURE LIFE? IS THERE REALLY SUCH A THING AS PAST OR FUTURE LIFE? Such questions have been asked over and over again by humanity as such and by individual beings at different stages of their lives. Religions and prophets have been preaching about God, and hell and heaven for centuries, and millions of people have cultivated belief in these phenomena. The revolution of science and technology in this century has forced many of us to reevaluate the doctrines and tenets received through our religious traditions. Should we believe in creation or should we believe in evolution? Should we believe in heaven, and His court of justice when we look up in the sky or should we believe in the space, the planets, and the galaxies up there? To many of us: "It's our mind, which is God;" "It's our mind, which creates hell;" "It's our mind, which creates heaven." And it's liberation of our mind or soul from the fear of death or other miseries of the world, which is liberation from birth and death cycle. Buddhism calls it NIRVANA. This
guide answers many of the questions raised above and many more. We are
sure you will have a fresh insight into the mysteries about God, hell,
heaven, and rebirth--and live the life of a wiser, peaceful, and enlightened
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Book Description: Publish America. 2007 (click here to order original). Paperback. 200 pages of text. 6" - 9" tall. A practical guide written at a time when youth is returning to a kind of religion where spirituality is on the rise. There is no longer value in articles with titles such as “Is God Dead?” Today we are using science to complement our spirituality. With this new notion the book combines Eastern religious traditions and Western scientific knowledge to develop practical spirituality. There is practical information on how to observe the mind, to live in gratitude, and to discard expectations. The book describes benefits of focusing on our spiritual-self that leads to tranquility, increased production, a resurgence of vitality, mental clarity, and joy of living. There is even a test to know your spirituality level |
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