How can
we stay away from junk food?
October 1, 2007
You ever wonder: How can we stay away from junk food?
Wouldn't it be a million dollar trick if we can do it. It will
solve America's number one problem. The junk food that is one
of the major reasons for obesity and related diseases. Yes, it
is possible according to this book. Here's a brief account
what it says:
When you eat junk food; do kapalbhati just after eating the
food to a count 10 or maximum 20? It really works. Be careful
not to overdo it. You can end up with upset stomach. You read
quite a detailed account about this technique.
This is a very unique book about weight loss that combines
stomach exercises and breathing based on scientific evidence.
The author Dr. Dhillon is known to combine the best of Eastern
traditions with Western Scientific knowledge because he has an
advanced degree in science in the west at Yale University in
USA and earlier education in the East at Punjab University in
India. He has put this unique experience in about 12 guides
combining Eastern and Western approach to health from
happiness to longevity.
In this 49 cent amazon short you have nothing to lose except
weight. Try it. It is well worth.
Happiness, & Longevity:
Eastern and Western Approach
September 26, 2006
"Health, Happiness, & Longevity" presents a
totally fresh approach to "total-wellbeing" where
Dr. Dhillon uses his knowledge of science from the West, and
yoga, breathing and spirituality from the East. His unique
qualifications include advanced degree in life sciences and
molecular biology from Yale University in the West, and his
earlier education and experience with yoga, breathing and
spirituality from the East. He uses his knowledge to the
fullest and truly presents a synthesis of Eastern and Western
health-management approaches, a subtitle of the book..
His skillful use of scientific knowledge makes this very
different from reading a medical guide to keep us healthy and
energetic. He gives scientific reasons to use yoga,
meditation, breathing and spirituality not only a natural
approach to handle weight and stress but to empower yourself
emotionally. A rare blend that combines science and ancient
Easterner or Westerner, the reader will have a fresh
perspective about handling the weight, nutrition, exercise and
total wellbeing. It is easy to read book that changes your
outlook towards health. It's a book about health care and not
disease care in contrast to multi-billion dollar government
program called health care which in reality is a disease care
The author has taken the facts from various sources and
created a blend of science and natural ways to stay healthy
and energetic. But you don't find miracles and supernatural
powers which will be against his scientific training. Health,
Happiness,& Longevity: Eastern and Western Approach is a
practical guide that combines various eating habits, yogic and
breathing approaches known for centuries to faith healers and
health experts, and are now recognized by modern medical
The book consists of nine chapters each representing an
independent topic:
Chapter 1, A Healthy Attitude Towards a Happy Life;
Chapter 2, Full Living;
Chapter 3, Nutrition and Nutrients;
Chapter 4, Weight Control and Calories;
Chapter 5, The Natural Diet;
Chapter 6, Slow Down Aging to Lead a Long and Healthy Life;
Chapter 7, Complete Breathing for Vigor and Vitality;
Chapter 8, Walking and Yogic Exercises for Health;
Chapter 9, Concluding Remarks.
The chapters precede by preface and introduction, and are
followed by "Natural-Vegetarian Diet Recipes" and
other Appendices A to G, Bibliography, and Information 'About
the Author'.
The book provides various studies and statistics on "high
cost of health" and suggests that health care is a
necessity to handle disease care.
"Health, Happiness, & Longevity: Eastern and Western
Approach" is written in times of much needed
Eastern-Western approach to global issues, where the
modern-day reader can learn from the best of both worlds. This
book fulfills that purpose well. He takes ancient techniques
of the East, and relates them to everyday living in 21st
century of science and technology. Dr. Dhillon not only points
out the weight and health-issues as a modern day problem, but
provides logical solutions. So it's a good source of
information for handling weight and other health issues by
yourself without going to expensive seminars, wellness
centers, medical offices, spas, schools, or retirement
Dr. Dhillon has laid the foundation stone for scientific
evaluation of ancient Eastern wisdom. This book can help
discover the universal nature of mind-body potential for the
benefit of emerging global society of the twenty-first
Every individual with interest in weight control, nutrition,
exercise, Yoga, breathing, meditation must have this valuable
book in its collection.
Book is still Available from the amazon and other places and
is a collectible item for a health-conscious reader.
A New
Look at Vegetarianism:
Its Positive Effects
on Health and Disease Control
October 22, 2006
"A New Look at Vegetarianism" contains various
aspects of plant-based, or meatless, diets. It provides not
only economical, cultural, biological and evolutionary
viewpoints but also modern perspectives on health promotion
and disease prevention. The author of over dozen books, Dr.
Dhillon's unique qualifications include advanced degree in
life sciences and molecular biology from Yale University in
the West, and his earlier education and experience with
vegetarianism as a part of culture, yoga, breathing and
spirituality from the East. He uses his knowledge to the
fullest and truly presents a synthesis of Eastern and Western
approaches to diet and nutrition. The overall impression the
book leaves is that vegetarian diets are safe, palatable,
healthy, and nutritionally sound.
The material is presented succinctly, with good use of tables,
and is referenced appropriately. In Chapter-1, vegetarian
diets are classified as lacto-vegetarian, ovo-vegetarian,
lacto-ovo-vegetarian, or vegan, respectively, if they include
dairy products, eggs, both dairy products and eggs, or no
animal products at all. Lacto-ovo- or lacto-vegetarians, diets
can be followed without much concern about nutrition even in
growing children, whereas children who are vegans may require
attention and may have slower growth even if they are in good
In a discussion of nutrients of concern in vegetarian diets,
the author concludes that appropriately planned vegan or
lacto-ovo-vegetarian diets can be nutritionally adequate.
There is concern about the adequacy of vitamin B12 and D in
vegans in general, but these needs can be met by food
In Chapter-4 health-promoting phytochemicals (beyond the
traditional nutrients) provide information about the food and
herbal sources that can be used against cancer, heart
problems, and even to live-longer. Whether phytochemicals or
otherwise, the book recommends that whole foods rather than
juices and supplements be consumed for the best protection
against disease or even irregularity.
The discussion of vegetarian diets in relation to the U.S.
Dietary Guidelines and disease-specific guidelines (for heart
disease, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and cancer)
concludes that these recommendations promote the eating of
more unrefined grains, fruits, and vegetables and the
reduction of the intake of saturated fat and cholesterol
(present in all animal products and in no plants) -- a diet
that overlaps with vegetarian eating patterns. The dietary
guidelines concludes that ``present knowledge suggests that
diets rich in plant foods with small or minimal amounts of
animal foods may be the remedy for modern life-style
diseases.'' Dietary guidelines for vegetarians could be
developed with the aim of promoting the consumption of a
variety and abundance of plant foods; primarily unrefined and
minimally processed plant foods; optional dairy products,
eggs, or both; and a generous amount of water and other
There are historical references to "vegetarianism"
as a religious practice in the East and John Harvey Kellogg in
the West, a 20th-century Seventh-Day Adventist who was trained
as a physician and operated a Seventh-Day Adventist Sanitarium
in Battle Creek, Michigan. He developed meat substitutes and
other vegetarian health foods, including the breakfast cereals
that have immortalized the family name worldwide.
The book includes appendices: Quiz on myth and reality of
vegetarianism, Nutritionally balanced vegetarian menus, and
Vegetarian diet recipes.
Every individual with interest in weight control, nutrition,
health maintenance, disease prevention must have this valuable
book in its collection.
Book is still Available from the amazon-usa and other places
and is a collectible item for a health-conscious reader.
here for free info on AmericasWeightProblem

A Premier Healthy
Eating & Recipe Internet Resource

Since its debut in 1986,
dpcpress.com/americasweightproblem.com has become one of the more popular and
largest nutritional and health care site on the Internet
using the best of East and West.. Dr. Dhillon is the
owner, webmaster and administrator of the site. Dhillon
is also the author of 12 guides that combine the best of
East and West. There has never been, nor is there, a
staff working with Dhillon, he alone designed and built
dpcpress.com from the bottom up and alone he continues
to build, maintain and manage the site and all its
On a monthly average,
dpcpress.com records thousands of unique visitors.
Visitors come from all over the world, with an average
of 80 percent of visitors from the United States.
Young and old, male and
female, moms and dads, college students, newlyweds,
beginner cooks to executive chefs, those who love to
cook, those learning to cook, those looking for a lost
recipe, or those who simply like to browse recipes...all
eventually find their way to dpcpress.com/americasweightproblem.com.
