Belly and Lose Weight:
In Just 5 Minutes A Day
You may have seen infomercials that sell various
ingredients (including cleansing nutrients and chemicals) to
cleanse the colon that works wonders and brings weight down.
It’s true that healthy colon is essential to good
health, which makes colon
cleansing a must. Everything accumulated in our bowels
can be toxic. As these toxins build up, we end up with various
diseases, such as being overweight, constipation, digestive
problems, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Stomach Pain, brain
fog, sluggishness/lack of energy, yeast infections. There
are so many colon cleansers in the market who like to sell
their products at an initial startup cost of $40-$80.. Colonix,
OxyPowder, Almighty Cleanse, etc.
However, there is almost no information, especially
free information that will explain colon cleansing for your
Cleansing for Your Health:
So, why do we need colon cleansing? In addition to
protruded belly and weight, one word...Toxins.
You see, the colon is one organ that indirectly and
directly affects all the other organs in the body. When it's
clogged up, the liver for example, can't do its job properly.
When the liver can't work efficiently, the kidney suffers, and
we notice other ill-effects. So to start curing any symptoms
and to get better, we must have clean colon.
The truth is our colon, for most of us, is in an
unhealthy state, filled with mucoid plaque, toxins, and a
complete mess. Our colon is clogged, leading to constipation.
How did we reach this state? Through a combination of a bad
diet, lack of exercise, poor lifestyle choices, and bad living
Take, our diet for instance. Most Americans consume too
much protein. Protein is necessary, and completely healthy,
but too much can lead to over-acidity, which is not good. An
overabundance of acid in the body can take a toll on the
colon, as it depletes necessary minerals and electrolytes from
our body. This then leads to the inability of the colon to
tackle harmful bacteria, and toxins.
Many of us not only overeat, but eat foods on a daily
basis such as Cookies, cakes, processed foods, chips, sweets,
etc. which were not available in nature to be eaten by man.
Eating unnatural-processed foods is a big reason why there is
mucoid plaque stuck in our colon, and why we all need
cleansing our colon.
Harmful chemicals from prescription medication, food,
water, air, and pesticides, etc. every single day add toxins
to our system, and our immune system has to work overtime to
rid our body of these nasty chemicals. This weakening of the
immune system leads to a weakening of the colon as well.
provides an alternative method to treat many of our symptoms
and problems. It's not just for people with constipation, but
for anyone who wishes to feel better, and strengthen their
inner organs.
Bowel cleansing is not just about cleansing the colon.
It's about indirectly cleansing our small intestines, large
intestines, and stomach as well. When
we do a cleanse, we are actually cleansing our entire body.
does our colon do?
The colon consists of the portion of the large
intestine that runs from the cecum down to our rectum. The
large intestine's purpose is to store waste, reabsorb water,
and help maintain electrolyte and water balance. The large
intestine does not play any part in actually digesting our
food (although bacteria do use the fiber for their own
benefit) - that's already done in the small intestine.
do you know if you have a healthy colon?
Simple, if you have at least one bowel movement a day,
with solid bowels, and very little constipation. Of course, if
you're a weight-lifter and eat 4000-5000 calories a day, 2 or
so bowel movements is normal. But if you're like normal
people, you should ideally only have 1-2 bowel movements a
day. No more, no less.
So, what do
normal bowels look like?
A healthy bowel
is 8-12 inches long and around 2.5 inches wide.
The bowels are
solid, aren't in little pieces or slimy-like.
Contrary to
popular belief, healthy bowels do not have to sink. Or float.
Depending on your diet, it can go both ways.
Bowel with fruit, vegetables and enough fiber normally
Normal bowels
have a brownish color, but a light green color is ok too
(unless some kind of food color is consumed).
A normal bowel
movement involves absolutely no straining. It's
pain-free, and effortless.
Many people who choose to clean their large intestines
have constipation problems, marked by constant straining when
excreting. This is unhealthy and can lead to other serious
illnesses. When constipation occurs, remnants of foods remain
inside your body longer than they have to, which is dangerous.
Think about this: What happens when you leave a peeled banana
outside for several days? It turns rotten. Well, you can
imagine why this could cause problems inside your body.
Even if you don't have constipation, colon cleansing
can help anyone, especially older people.
We routinely clean our furniture, our toilets, our
cars, and the like. Why? To get rid of junk that accumulates.
Our body essentially works the same way. Junk, in the form of
waste along with toxins accumulates and burdens our major
organs such as our large intestine. When our intestine is
clogged, we can't absorb necessary nutrients. Toxins circulate
back to our body, causing autoimmune diseases such as acne.
Cleansing our bowels is a way of maintaining a clean,
efficient body.
does cleansing involve?
Colon cleansing, typically involves a commercial
product such as Colonix, or a natural recipe consists of
taking a fiber-shake once a day, gradually working up to 3-5
times a day for 2-4 weeks. People usually do a quick fast
beforehand, it's not necessary. During the cleanse it is
important not to overeat, and not to consume any junk food.
There are people who choose to cleanse with a colon
cleanser. There are many in the market right there. The most
popular ones are Colonix, OxyPowder, and Dual Action Cleanse.
Startup supply may cost between $40 to $80.
These claim Colon Cleansing as a simple 3-8 week
process that doesn't require any drastic diet changes, or a
complete fast. Those
who try claim to heal acne, candida, brain fog, digestive
problems, and sluggishness.
By the end of the regimen, most will feel the
difference and feel livelier due to the removal of toxins,
healthier bowels, no constipation, and faster transit times. Some
people actually even use it to lose weight, since it's so
effective in doing that.
How effectively these cleansing agents work? Do
these add any more toxins to your system?
You don’t need to worry. The
techniques in this book are not only free, but are the most
natural way to cleanse your colon,
and at the same time banish your stomach and bring the
weight down.
here for more free info

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